Approving or rejecting employee-initiated goals
When an employee submits a goal request, the goal is displayed on your pending goals list with a status of Needs Approval. You can approve or reject the goal. You can modify the goal without returning it to the employee if the Manager Can Update option is selected as part of the Goal Type configuration. The Manager Can Update option must be configured by a user with an admin role.
Note: Goals that must be
approved by year are flagged with a blue alert and are displayed at the top of the list.
Those goals must be approved together with the Approve All Goals action or rejected together
with the Reject All Goals action.
If you reject a goal, the goal is displayed on the employee's pending goals list in Draft status. The employee can modify and resubmit the goal or delete the goal.
When you approve the goal, the goal becomes Active. If you modify the goal, its status is Pending.
You can also approve employee goals on
or on .