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Infor HR Talent Manager User Guide
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Manager Ask
My Staff
Staff reporting types
Staff actions
Team List
Enabling and disabling team list
Organization Chart
Staff summary information
Birthdays and anniversaries
Viewing workflow progress
Time entry - manager
Time entry approval process (supervisor)
Creating time records for my staff
Personnel actions
Requesting promotions
Requesting transfers
Initiating resignations (manager)
Requesting changes of resource relationship to organizations
Requesting terminations
Working with the employee profile - manager
Adding addresses
Viewing, modifying, or canceling address requests
Adding telephone, email, or IM information
Adding emergency contacts
Adding properties
Calculating employees' percent fit for their current position
Modeling an employee's percent fit for another position
Changing the name or marital status of an employee
Viewing your employees' work assignment information
Requesting or processing a resource's leave of absence
Employee compensation - manager
Viewing an employee's current and historical compensation
Requesting pay rate changes
Requesting special incentive payouts for direct reports
Employee's talent profile
Adding or updating talent attributes
Adding talent attributes
Updating talent attributes
Validating non-checklist talent attributes
Viewing and validating talent attributes that require validation
Validating talent attributes for specific employees
Undoing validation of talent attributes or dates
Updating competency and skill proficiencies
Canceling requests to update proficiency levels
Updating proficiency levels
Renewing skills and credentials
Canceling requests to renew skills or credentials
Renewing current or expired skills or credentials
Completing education attainments
Canceling requests to complete educations
Completing education attainments
Managing employees' resource and organizational goals
Resource goals
Suggesting new goals
Submitting all draft goals for acceptance
Submitting a draft goal for acceptance
Viewing and saving goals in PDF
Mass creating goals
Updating active employee goals
Specifying goal result ranges
Updating rating criteria for rated goals
Example: Result ranges for lower results are better
Example: Result ranges for higher results are better
Aligning employee goals with organization goals
Aligning organizational goals
Removing aligned organizational goals
Guidelines for aligned organizational goals
Associating employee goals with activities
Associating goals to activities
Disassociating associated activities
Inactivating and reactivating employee goals (manager)
Inactivating goals
Reactivating inactive goals (manager)
Putting employee goals on hold (manager)
Putting goals on hold
Reactivating goals on hold (manager)
Approving or rejecting employee-initiated goals
Approving goals
Approving single goals for the employee
Rejecting goals
Action plans
Setup requirements
Action plan approval process
Approving or rejecting action plans
Printing action plans
Printing all action plans for a goal year
Printing all action plans for a year and period
Printing the action plan for a single goal and period
Printing action plans for all periods of a single goal
Completing an employee goal (manager)
External results calculation
External results (manager)
Specifying results on organizational goals
Specifying results on resource goals
Manager and employee goal processes
Organizational goals - manager
Aligning organizational goals with other organizational goals
Defining organizational goals for your organization unit
Guidelines for aligned organizational goals
Performance reviews - manager
Creating performance appraisals (manager)
Other raters for employee reviews
Requesting other raters
Appraisal reassignment
Reassigning an employee appraisal as a manager or appraisal owner
Reassigning an employee appraisal as an upline manager
Adding a manager note
Monitoring the appraisal dashboard
Viewing rating distribution by managers
Completing the appraisal cycle
Completing manager appraisals
To complete the appraisal cycle
To submit the appraisal to the employee
To submit the appraisal to the upline manager
Absence Management
Overview of Manage Absences
Time off and leave of absence
What is the difference between time off and compensatory time off?
How do employees request a leave of absence or time off?
Time off requests
Requesting time off on behalf of an employee
Approving time off requests
Approving processed time off cancellation requests
Rejecting approved time off
Reopening rejected time off requests
Canceling a time off request
Deleting time off requests
Viewing staff time off requests
Viewing staff expiring balances
Compensatory time off requests
Requesting compensatory time off on behalf of an employee
Approving compensatory time off requests
Rejecting approved compensatory time off
Reopening rejected compensatory time off requests
Canceling compensatory time off request
Deleting compensatory time off requests
Buy time off requests
Requesting to buy time off on behalf of an employee
Approving buy time off requests
Rejecting approved buy time off requests
Reopening rejected buy time off requests
Canceling a buy time off request
Deleting buy time off requests
Viewing buy time off requests
Sell time off requests
Requesting to sell time off on behalf of an employee
Approving sell time off requests
Rejecting approved sell time off requests
Reopening rejected sell time off requests
Canceling a sell time off request
Deleting sell time off requests
Viewing sell time off requests
Viewing exchange time off requests
Viewing staff approaching limits
Viewing staff absence plan balances
Managing staff absences
Requesting a leave of absence on behalf of an employee
Viewing time off and leave of absence requests
Develop employees
Assigning a checklist
Monitoring your checklists
Changing a checklist due date (manager)
Completing a checklist
Validating checklist components
Cancelling a checklist
Waiving checklist components
Monitoring your Development Tasks list
Actions you can take on Development Tasks items
Development activities - manager
Assigning an activity
Mass assigning activities
Copying a direct report's activity (learning budgets only)
Rejecting, waiving, or cancelling an activity for a direct report
To reject a non-required activity
To waive a required activity
To cancel a non-required activity
Registering an employee for an activity session
Approving a registration (manager)
Cancelling a registration
Reporting a activity as finished
To report an activity as finished
To revert a Reported As Finished activity to its previous status
Viewing personal development hours
Assigning a personal activity
Associating personal or activities with a direct report's goal
Activity catalog
To find an activity based on a keyword
To browse the catalog by topic
To print the entire catalog or a topic
Suggesting a new activity for the catalog
Learning budgets
How do managers use learning budgets?
Viewing and adjusting your own learning budgets
Viewing the learning budgets of managers reporting to you
Viewing rolled up budgets
Completing a learning budget review
Nominating an employee to a succession pool or position
Mentors - manager
To remove a direct report as mentor
To assign a mentor to a direct or indirect report:
To designate a direct report as a mentor
To unassign a mentor
To assign a mentee to a direct report
To unassign a mentee
Designating a non-primary mentor as a primary mentor
Transferring a single mentee to another mentor
Mass transferring a mentor's mentees
Acquire talent
Requesting a new job
Requesting a new position
Changing position pay
Creating a requisition
Defining a draft requisition from a copy
Requesting a transfer (hiring manager)
Initiating a transfer from an approved request - hiring manager
Requesting approval for a requisition or approving a requisition manually
To request approval for a Draft requisition
To approve a requisition manually
Requesting updates to a job requisition
Requesting updates to a position
Hiring-decision process
Reviewing or updating job applications (hiring manager)
Qualifying a candidate
To disposition a candidate
To move the candidate back to Hiring Manager Review or to Qualify
Adjust compensation
Bonus objectives - manager
Manager-initiated bonus objective processes
Employee-initiated bonus objective processes
Defining bonus objective goals for direct reports
Defining bonus objective goals
Attaching objective goals to bonus periods
Changing the bonus objective
Restrictions for bonus objectives proxies
Approving bonus objectives
Manually approving bonus objectives (manager)
Compensation budgets and salary awarding
Analyzing award budgets for the managers reporting to you
Releasing a compensation awarding budget to another manager
Transferring a compensation budget amount to another manager
Making compensation awards - manager/budget owner
Viewing your awarding summary
Viewing compensation analysis
Health and safety
Safety observations
Creating a safety observation (manager)
Creating a COVID-19 safety observation (manager)
Staff safety
Create a safety observation
Safe behaviors
Creating a safe behavior record
Manager safety log
Validating a safe-behavior report
Staff health
Viewing the employee clearance list (manager)
Health component status
Position site administrator tasks
Requesting position budgets
Requesting job budgets
Requesting position budgets
Requesting an organization unit budget
Requesting an organization unit branch budget
Requesting an organization unit and job budget
Requesting an organization unit and position budget
Monitoring position budget net changes
Monitoring position budget variances
Talent Manager
Using Talent Manager
Employee Relations
Creating a coaching
Creating a meeting
Presenting the coaching
Creating a corrective action from a coaching
Creating a grievance from a coaching
Canceling a coaching
Creating a corrective action
Creating a meeting
Reviewing a corrective action
Canceling a corrective action
Acknowledging a corrective action for an employee
Employee engagement
Working with check-ins
Viewing RAVE awards
Responding to pulse survey questions
Viewing pulse survey responses for a team
Your To Do tasks
Resetting a candidate password
Proxy management - manager
Setting up proxies to perform tasks on your behalf
Performing proxy tasks for managers - employee and manager
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