Renewing current or expired skills or credentials
In your Manager space, select To Do > Qualification Requests, and click the Skills Renewals or
Credentials Renewal tab.
Only requests display on the Qualification Requests panel. To view and renew skills or credentials without a request, you must access the employee's talent profile.
Or select My Staff > View Full Profile > Talent Profile, and select the skill or credential.
- Click Renew.
Specify this information:
- Reason
Select a reason for the action.
- Requested Renewal Date
Specify (or confirm) the renewal date.
- Requested Expiration Date
Specify (or confirm) the expiration date.
- Attachment Description, File Name
Attach an applicable document.
- Comments
Add comments
The skill or credential is removed from the Qualification Requests View.
On the employee's talent profile, the expiration date for the skill or credential is updated. If there was a request to renew, the yellow flag and the Requested Renewal Date value are removed.