Goal years

A goal year is required on goals defined for goal types that have any or all of the following options selected. A goal year is not required for any other goal.

  • Use Action Plans
  • Use External Results
  • Approve Goals By Year

Wherever the goal year is required, the start and end date of the goal must match the start and date of the goal year. In addition, the goal year determines the following criteria:

For goal types that have the Approve Goals By Year option selected, the goal year defines the following parameters:

  • Whether the employees or their managers will initiate the goals. These goals, sometimes referred to as accountability goals, have to be submitted and approved in batch. Therefore, they must either all be requested by the employees or all be suggested by their managers.
  • For any employee, the total weight for all goals that have to be approved by year must equal 100 %. The goal year determines whether the goal initiator receives an error or a warning when submitting accountability goals that do not total 100%.
  • The goal year can define aggregate weight limits and resource goal weight ranges for specific goal categories when used in conjunction with the year. It can also require that at least one of the accountability goals must be created for a specific category.

For goal types that have the Use Action Plans option selected, the goal year defines these parameters:

  • Action plan periods for the year that cannot be changed. When a goal is required or allowed to have action plans, this is the calendar that they follow.
  • The goal year can make action plans, as well as action plan approval required on specific goal types, when used in conjunction with the year.

For goal types that have the Use External Results option selected, the goal year determines the calendar for entering the external results. For example, if you create a goal for a goal year that starts May 1st and ends April 30 for which results are entered on a quarterly basis, the system marks July, October, January, and April as the months for results to be entered.