Cascading organizational goals down through other parts of the organization (administrator or goal leader)
When an organizational goal applies to an organization unit and all or some of its subordinate organization units, you can define the organizational goal in those subordinate organization units by cascading it from the parent organization unit.
Guidelines on cascaded organizational goals
When cascaded goals are created, they are considered as synchronized to the source organizational goal. You can update a cascaded organizational goal and it will remain synchronized, except if you change the Goal field. If you change the Goal field, you lose the synchronization for that cascaded goal. However it is still considered a cascaded goal aligned to the source goal.
On a cascaded goal, you can update any field except for the organization unit and the goal category.
- On the source goal, you cannot change the goal category to cause a
mismatch with any aligned employee goals or manually aligned organizational goals that
have goal categories specified.Note: This includes employee goals specified for cascaded goals.
- Cascaded goals for a source goal are displayed on the Aligned Organizational Goals tab for the source goal, along with any manually aligned organizational goals.
- You cannot align a cascaded organizational goal to another organizational goal. However, you can align employee goals to a cascaded organizational goal in Finalized, Active status.
- The Delete Cascaded Goals action is available to remove cascaded goals
that are synchronized. It lets you delete all the synchronized cascaded goals below the
level from which you are calling the action. It does not delete the goal from which you
are calling the action. If employee goals are aligned to the goal from which you are
calling the action or from the cascaded goals that will be deleted, you will receive a
warning. If you proceed, the employee goals will be unaligned.
If a cascaded goal is unsynchronized, you can use the Delete action to delete it. The Delete action will delete only that organizational goal. You cannot delete cascaded goals (or any other organizational goals) that have aligned employee goals. However, you can delete organizational goals that have aligned organizational goals.
- The Inactivate Cascaded Goals action is available to inactivate cascaded
goals that are synchronized. It lets you inactivate all the synchronized cascaded goals
below the level from which you are calling the action. It does not inactivate the goal
from which you are calling the action. If employee goals are aligned to the goal from
which you are calling the action or from the cascaded goals that will be inactivated, you
will receive a warning. If you proceed, the employee goals will be unaligned.
The Inactivate Cascaded Goals action will not inactive cascaded goals that are unsynchronized.
- If a cascaded goal is no longer synchronized and the source goal is cascaded again for the same organization units, a new organizational goal will be created in addition to the existing unsynchronized goal.
- You can cascade a cascaded goal.