Defining rating scales for goals
Note: You can use the same
rating scale to rate performance appraisals, goals, competencies, and skills. This procedure
focuses on the fields that are required for goals.
Goal results example
Assume a 5-level rating scale ranging from 1 - Does not meet to 5 - Outstanding, and this Goal Results string:
{RatingLevelLabel} = {ResultRangeFrom} to {ResultRangeThru} {RatingCriterion}
Assume that John's manager creates a customer satisfaction goal with an expected customer satisfaction rating of 75%, calculated externally. The manager defines the result ranges for each level on the Rating Criteria tab for the goal:
Rating Level | Label | Result Range From | Result Range Thru | Rating Criterion |
1 | Does not meet | -999,999.00 | 69.99 | % |
2 | Almost meets | 70.00 | 74.99 | % |
3 | Meets | 75.00 | 79.99 | % |
4 | Exceeds | 80.00 | 89.99 | % |
5 | Outstanding | 90.00 | 999,999.00 | % |
The text generated on the Details tab of John's customer goal is displayed:
Does not meet = -999,999.00 to 69.99 %
Almost meets = 70.00 to 74.99 %
Meets = 75.00 to 79.99 %
Exceeds = 80.00 to 89.99 %
Outstanding 90.00 to 999,999.00 %