Aligning an organizational goal with another organizational goal

Managers can align an organizational goal from their own organization unit with another organizational goal from an organization unit higher in the organization structure. HR administrators can perform the same action for any organization unit below the top organization unit. Goal leaders can align organizational goals for the goal categories they are responsible for with an organizational goal higher in the organization structure that has a matching goal category.


The organizational goal that you want to align can be in any status. However, this action is available only if the organizational goal is not cascaded and if it has not already been aligned.

  1. Locate the organizational goal you want to align.
    • If you are a manager, select Manager > Manage Goals > Organizational Goals. Expand the organization structure to locate the organization unit that contains the organizational goal you want to align. All organizational goals for the organization unit are displayed in the lower panel.

    • If you are an administrator, select Administrator > Goals > Organizational Goals. Expand the organization structure to locate the organization unit that contains the organizational goal you want to align. All organizational goals for the organization unit are displayed in the lower panel.


      You can also access the organizational goal on the All Organizational Goals tab. Select Options > Search to locate the organizational goal.

    • If you are a goal leader, select Goal Leader > Organizational Goals. Expand the organization structure to locate the organization unit that contains the organizational goal that you want to align. All organizational goals that you have access to for the organization unit are displayed in the lower panel.


      You can also access the organizational goal on the All Organizational Goals tab. Select Options > Search to locate the organizational goal.

  2. Select the source organizational goal that you want to align and select Actions > Align To Organizational Goal.
  3. On the Align To Organizational Goal form, select the organizational goal that you want to align, and click OK.

    The aligned goal that you select in this field must meet the following conditions:

    • The aligned organizational goal period must match or be within the start and end dates of the source organizational goal.

    • The aligned organizational goal must be Active and in Finalized status.

    • If the source organizational goal has a goal category, the goal category of the aligned organizational goal must match the goal category of the source organizational goal, or it must be blank.

    • If the source organizational goal does not have a goal category, you can align it with an organizational goal of any goal category.

  4. Click OK.
  5. To verify that the goal is aligned, open the organizational goal that you aligned to on the organization unit structure, then click the Aligned Goals tab. The source organizational goal should be listed on the Aligned Organizational Units list.

    If the source organizational goal was cascaded, the cascaded organizational goals are displayed on the Aligned Organizational Units list of the organizational goal you aligned to.

  6. To delete an organizational goal alignment, select the source organizational goal and select Actions > Delete Organizational Goal Alignment.

Guidelines for updating aligned organizational goals

  • When an organizational goal is aligned to another organizational goal, you cannot change the goal category of either the source organizational goal or the aligned organizational goal to cause a mismatch.

  • You can update any other fields of either the source organizational goal or the aligned organizational goal, except for the organization unit.


    You can change the dates. The system does not check whether the new dates overlap.