Managing pending goals (goal leader)

When a goal is initiated by an employee or a manager and the goal is not yet active, it is displayed on the Pending tab.

Goal leaders can view every pending goal in the system that matches the goal categories that they are responsible for. These goals include both manager and employee pending goals. The goal owner determines who initiated the goal, what stage of the process the goal is in, and what actions the goal leader can take.

Pending goals can be sorted by approval status.

If a goal comes from an employee's pending list, then the goal leader can take the same actions as the employee can. If a goal comes from a manager's pending list, then the goal leader can take the same actions as the manager can.

Use this procedure to submit, approve, accept, reject, or return a goal.

  1. Select Goal Leader > Resource Goals.
  2. Select the employee.
  3. Click the aic1488915619738 tab
  4. Select the goal.
  5. Depending on the goal status, take one of these actions:

    Because goal leaders are restricted to the goals matching the goal categories that they are responsible for, they do not have access to the All actions. These actions include submit all goals, approve all goals, accept all goals, reject all goals, revert all goals, and return all goals.

    Pending tab status Owner Administrator actions
    Draft Employee

    Update, including aligning to an organizational goal

    Submit Draft Goal To Manager For Approval


    Create Action Plan, if applicable

    Draft Manager

    Update, including aligning to an organizational goal

    Submit Suggested Goal To Employee For Acceptance


    Submitted To Manager For Approval Employee No action
    Needs My Approval Manager

    Approve Goal Requested By Employee

    Reject Goal Requested By Employee

    Note: Approved goals are moved to the Active tab. Rejected goals are set to Draft status and moved to the employee's Pending and Active tab.
    Submitted To Employee For Acceptance Manager No action
    Needs My Acceptance Employee

    Accept Goal Suggested By Manager

    Return Goal Suggested By Manager

    Note: Accepted goals are moved to the Active tab. Rejected goals are set to Draft status and moved to the manager's Pending tab.
    Ready To Move To Active Manager

    Revert Goal To Draft

    Ready To Move To Active Employee No action