Creating or updating position field default rules
Use this procedure to define or update position field default rules.
- Select Administrator > Set Up > Jobs and Positions > Job and Position Default Rules > Position Field Default Rules.
Select the default rule for each job field directly on the position
field list, and click Save. Specify an
effective date when prompted.
The Default With Override rule is not supported for work assignments imported into Infor HR Talent by the work assignment data load program or by the Infor Spreadsheet Designer. The No Default and Default No Override rules are supported.
- For position fields to accept the default value, set the position default rule to No Default, specify values on the import records for the fields that should have values, and leave the others blank. After the work assignments are loaded, you can change the default position rule to Default With Override so that the rule can be used when new work assignments are created directly in the Infor HR Talent application.
- To accept the default values, set the position default rule to Default No Override, and leave the fields blank on the import records.