Viewing employee history reports for administrators

After employee history has been rebuilt or refreshed, the employee history reports can be viewed by the administrator.

  1. Navigate to Administrator > Reports > Employee History.
  2. Select the employee history report to review:
    • Employee History by transaction or field
    • Pay Rate History
    • Total Pay History
    • Position History
  3. If the status message indicates that the employee history is not up-to-date, click the Create Employee History button.
  4. The effective date alert graphic is color coded:
    • Green: The transaction has an effective date of today.
    • Yellow: The transaction has a future effective date.
    • Blue: The transaction was created as an audit log.
    • Red: The transaction contains an error.
  5. Select the tab for to view history for by these options:
    • By Employee
    • By Transaction
    • By Field