Middle East gratuity calculations

A resource's gratuity pay is based on calculations for Payroll Settlement and End of Service Benefits (EOSB).

Payroll Settlement is calculated at the resource's end of service. End of service calculations and final pay depend on the type of contract, employee service, and termination reason.

End of Service Benefits are given to resources at the time they leave the organization.

These components of Payroll Settlement are calculated by Infor Workforce Management or another time keeping record system:
  • Working days until the last day in service
  • Overtime
  • Annual leave balance
The solutions for these components are calculated by Infor HR Talent:
  • Outstanding loans
  • Pension deduction - delivered solution (GOSI)
  • Manual additions and deductions - existing solution
  • Gratuity

Infor HR Management processes the End of Service payout.


Before calculating gratuity, this information must already be defined:
  • Home country code
  • Primary work assignment pay rate
  • Employee pay elements
  • Gratuity is configured for the country
  • Pay code is set up for gratuity calculation using a Calculation Type of Calculate Gratuity
  • Pay elements are associated to a pay code for gratuity

The Administrator must initiate the pre-termination process, create the time record to calculate resource gratuity pay, and then run the interface flow to export the record to Infor HR Management to complete the process.