Transferring work assignments

A resource's work assignment can be transferred to a different position and manager. The new work assignments take the defaults of the new position (if applicable) and manager. For example, if the new manager belongs to a different organization unit with a different cost center, the manager's organization unit and cost center defaults on the new work assignment.


If your organization uses Position Monitoring and this action would result in exceeding a position budget allocation (in terms of FTE, headcount or salary) or in the resource exceeding the maximum allowed FTE for a resource, you may not be able to complete the action. The error message that is displayed explains how the budget is exceeded. You will only be allowed to complete the action by reducing the amount that causes the budget error.

  1. Select Administrator > Resources > Resources.
  2. Open the resource, and click the Work Assigments tab to display the work assignments.
  3. Select the work assignment to change.
  4. Click More > Transfer.
  5. On the Request To Transfer form, specify this information:

    These are the fields accessible to the request initiator. The final approver sees all available work assignment fields.

    Effective Date

    Required. Specify the effective date.

    Action Reason

    Select the reason for the request. This appears on the audit log.

    Current Position

    The current position is displayed.

    New Position

    Select the new position.

    Organization Unit

    To change the work assignment's organization unit, select the new organization unit.

    Working Remotely

    Select this check box if the resource will be working remotely.

    Assignment Expiration
    Specify the date on which the assignment ends.
    Direct Manager

    To change the work assignment's direct manager, select the new direct manager.

    Percent Increase, Pay Rate, Step And Grade Schedule/Pay Grade/Pay Step, Pay Rate Type, Salary Schedule/Grade

    The resource's compensation information for the old work assignment is displayed. If the old assignment is on a straight pay rate, only the Percent Increase and Pay Rate fields appears.

    You cannot change the type of salary (straight pay rate, step and grade, or salary structure). You can change the pay rate for a straight pay rate or salary structure, and you can change the step and grade for a step and grade schedule.

    You can change one type of salary to another on the work assignment record after the transfer is completed.

  6. Click Submit.

    The change takes effect after the transfer request is approved.