Other turnover report templates
These reports are Infor HR Talent lists that can be modified.
Turnover Data List
This report template provides a list that gives customers visibility to all of the fields included in the TurnoverData business class.
Use the Modify List Definition feature to build your customized turnover reports. The list can also be selected in the Excel Space query to retrieve information from the TurnoverData business class.
From this list, you can create reports that track changes to these work assignment fields: Direct Manager, Indirect Manager, Organization Unit, Location, Job, Pay Rate, Step and Grade Schedule, Pay Grade, Pay Step, Salary Structure, Salary Structure Grade, or Geographic Differential.
This list shows all data for all dates. Filter on Turnover Type "Transfer" to view only updated records. Filter on Turnover Type "Starter" to view only hires and rehires. Filter on Turnover Type "Leaver" to view only terminated resources. Filter on Turnover Type "Reinstate" to view only reinstated resources.
The Starters list includes all turnover records with a Turnover Type value of "Starter." The list includes hired and rehired resources.
The Leavers list includes all turnover records with a Turnover Type value of "Leaver." The list includes terminated resources.
Position Changes
The Position Changes list includes all turnover data records with the Turnover Type value of "Transfer" where the position has changed on the primary work assignment.
The Reinstated list includes all turnover records with a Turnover Type value of "Reinstate." This includes all reinstated resources.