Updating employee enrollments

  1. Select Benefits > Maintenance > Processes > Employee Enrollment Updates.
  2. Click Create Report.
  3. Select the updates tab:
    To Be Evaluated
    Select this tab to view all employees to be evaluated.
    Updates by Benefit Plans
    Select up to 12 benefit plans to evaluate for employee enrollment updates.
    Updates by Flex Plans
    Select up to 12 flex plans to evaluate for employee enrollment updates.
    Updates By Employee
    Select up to 8 employees for evaluation of benefit updates to be processed.
    Note: Selecting employees is not required.
  4. In the Select Update Options section, select the types of changes to evaluate and specify a reason or default reason for each.
    Termination Rules
    Select this check box to apply termination rules from the benefit plan to employees who are no longer eligible for the plan. Select the default reason to use if a benefit reason cannot be determined through the mapping in the setup of benefit reasons.

    The plan's termination rules are used to determine whether the employee benefit is stopped or a pending record is created that can be reviewed before the employee benefit is stopped.

    Change Rules
    Select this check box to apply change rules to an employee's new coverage or contribution when their group eligibility for coverage or contribution changes. Select a default reason for the change. The default reason is used if a benefit reason cannot be determined by the change to the employee or work assignment that changes the applicable coverage or contribution rule.

    The plan's change rules are used to determine the effective date of the change. This creates a pending record that can be reviewed before the employee benefit is changed.

    Select this check box to determine whether the salary used for the employee's coverage or contribution calculations has changed. If so, then a pending record change record is created. Select a default reason for the change.
    Select this check box to determine whether the age used for the employee’s coverage or contribution calculations has changed. If so, then a pending record change record is created. Select a reason for the change.
    Years of Service
    Select this check box to determine whether the years of service used for the employee's coverage or contribution calculations has changed. If so, then a pending record change record is created. Select a reason for the change.
    Payment Schedule
    Select this check box to determine whether the payment schedule, frequency, or payroll provider used for the employee's coverage or contribution calculations has changed. If so, a pending change record is created. Select a default reason for the change.
    Custom Compute
    Select this check box to determine whether the custom computes used for the employee's salary, coverage, or contributions have changed. Select a default reason.
    Update Immediately
    Select this check box to run the Process Changes or Stop Benefit actions during the Employee Enrollment Updates process. If you prefer to run these actions manually after running the Employee Enrollment Updates process, then leave this field blank.
  5. Click Submit.
    To view errors, navigate to Benefits > Maintenance > Processes > Employee Enrollment Updates. When errors are resolved, the employee benefit can be updated or stopped. To update benefits, use the Process Changes action.