Creating projects

Use this procedure to create a project in Infor HR Talent. Projects are used to track a resource's time spent on a task or set of tasks and are defined at the organization level. Project information can be populated on a resource's work assignment from an organization unit or from a position, depending on the position's defaulting rules. If the position default rule for cost center is No Default, then the work assignment is created. The Cost center default is from the work assignment on the Organization Unit.

See Position field default rules.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Prerequisites > Cost Center Project > Projects.
  2. Click Create, and specify this information:
    Effective Date
    Specify the date on which the project is available for use.
    Specify a unique identifier for the project.
    Specify a description of the project.
    Select this check box if the project is active in Infor HR Talent. It is selected by default.
  3. Click Save.