Creating responsibility groups

You can use responsibility groups to attach multiple responsibilities at a time to a job or position.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Jobs and Positions > Job Components > Responsibilities.
  2. In the Responsibility Groups section, click Create.
  3. Specify this information on the Detail tab:
    Effective Date

    Required. Specify the effective date of the responsibility group.

    Responsibility Group

    Required. Specify the responsibility group name.


    Specify a short description of the responsibility group.


    The responsibility group is active by default. Clear the check box to inactivate the responsibility group. Inactive responsibility groups cannot be attached to jobs or positions.


    Specify a full description of the responsibility group's contents.

  4. Click Save.

    The Responsibilities tab becomes active.

  5. On the Responsibilities tab, attach responsibilities to the responsibility group in one of these ways:
    • To attach a single responsibility, click Create, specify the effective date, select the responsibility and click Save.

    • To attach multiple responsibilities, click Helper List, select the responsibilities to attach, click Attach to Responsibility Group, specify the effective date, and click OK To All.

  6. (Applicable only if the Use Responsibility Weights option is selected in Performance Management.) To add weights to the responsibilities in the group, specify the weights directly on the responsibilities list. If weights were defined on the responsibilities, they default to the responsibility group. You can change the weights in the responsibility group. This does not modify the source weights.
  7. To view the jobs and positions that use the responsibility group, click the Used By tab.