Enabling pay cards

  1. Sign in as Administrator.
  2. Select Setup > Structure.
  3. Open an organization.
  4. Click the Country Configurable Fields tab.
  5. Select the US country code.
    This feature can only be enabled for the US country code.
  6. On the Configurable Fields tab, select Pay Card.
  7. Click Save.
    • This message is displayed when Pay Card is selected as the account type on the Add, Update, Hire, and Rehire actions: "I understand that I am enrolling in a debit card program for my net pay to be applied to my pay card."
    • When Pay Card is selected as the account type, the I Agree check box must also be selected for the record to be processed.
    • To change the message, select Administration > Setup > Payroll > Bank Details Setup and update the Pay Card field in the Authorization Message section.