Managing rebuild methods and dynamic rebuilds

The user can disable the dynamic rebuilding of data, and re-enable / rebuild it manually when a batch of work is done.

For details on the recommended rebuid methods, see Recommended setup for rebuild maintenance.

  1. Select Administrator > Utilities > Rebuild Maintenance.
  2. Select a utility:
    Text Search
    The text search utility provides controls for suspending and executing rebuilds of the data that is used when searching for various types of data by keyword. It also provides information on replication sets and queues.
    Reporting Relationship
    The reporting relationship utility provides controls for suspending and executing rebuilds of the data that is used in reporting relationships. It also provides information on replication sets and queues.
    Actor Organization Unit
    The actor organization unit utility provides controls for suspending and executing rebuilds of the data that is used in actor organization units. It also provides information on replication sets and queues.
    Manager Chart
    The manager chart utility provides controls for suspending and executing rebuilds of the data that is used in manager charts. It also provides information on replication sets and queues.
  3. In the upper left menu pane, click the three dots icon.
  4. To enable or disable dynamic rebuilds in the selected utility, select Resume/Suspend Dynamic Rebuilds from the drop down menu.
    Records are updated dynamically. Manager-Work Assignment changes are reflected automatically.
    Records are not updated automatically. You must run a rebuild action to reflect changes made after the last rebuild. Infor recommends that you disable dynamic rebuilds to avoid unintentionally flooding the queue with rebuild requests and stressing the system.
  5. To cancel all scheduled actions in the selected utility, click Cancel All Scheduled Actions from the drop-down menu,then click Ok.