Creating notifications for expiring legacy employee contracts

Use this process for Legacy Employment Contracts only.

Complete these steps to have an email notification sent to the legal representative responsible for an employment contract when it is about to expire.

  1. Select Administrator > Utilities > Create Notifications > Expiring Contracts.
  2. Specify this information:
    Email Originator
    Specify the email address from which this notification will be sent.
    Contract Type
    Optionally, select the type of contract for which this notification will be sent.
    Or Resource Group
    Optionally, select the resource group to which this notification will be sent. The resource group is a custom group with the business subject HCMGroupEmployeeContracts. See Custom groups.
    Number Of Days
    Specify the number of days before the contract's expiration date on which this notification will be sent.
  3. Click Submit to create the email notification template. Once it has been created, it cannot be changed.