Recruiting Costs reports
Detail Costs By Requisition
This report can be accessed by recruiters in
.This report displays recruiting costs by hiring manager. You can change the dimension to display recruiting costs by location or by organization unit.
The classic report shows data under the column heading Per Hire that shows the result of the total cost of a requisition divided by the number of applications that were put into a hire selection process. Instead of this data, this report that is available with implementations that use configurable hiring workflow shows the result of the total cost of a requisition divided by the number of candidates that were hired.
Total Costs
The Total Costs report is a Landmark Embedded Analytics cube.
It can be accessed by recruiters in
.For administrators and HR generalists, this report displays the total recruiting costs for the selected period by hiring manager. It includes the number of requisitions, number of openings, number of filled requisitions, total costs, and average cost per requisition. Select a hiring manager to view a bar graph representation by hiring manager.
For recruiters, this report displays the same information by recruiter, location, and status. Select a recruiter to view a bar graph representation by recruiter. Select a location to view a bar graph representation by location for the recruiter. Select a status to view a bar graph representation by status for the recruiter and location.
to select another dimension. For example, to view the information by organization unit. For recruiters, Recruiter is always the top dimension.Requisition Costs By Organization Unit
This report can be accessed by recruiters in
.This report provides detail and total recruitment cost information by organization unit. The organization units are listed in the hierarchy or structure view. The requisition cost details list is only for the selected organization unit in the top list, not for the selected record and its descendants.
Requisition Costs By Cost Name
Recruiters can access this report in
.This report provides detail recruitment cost information sorted and subtotaled by cost name and hiring manager. It can be modified to sort and subtotal or total by common recruitment elements such as recruiter ID, direct manager, organization unit or job category.
Cost Name Totals
The Cost Name Totals report is a Landmark Embedded Analytics cube.
Recruiters can access this report in
.For administrators and HR generalists, this report displays cost name totals for the selected period by cost name and hiring manager. It includes the requisition costs, number of requisition, and average cost per requisition. A bar chart represents each cost. Select a cost to view the bar graph by cost name. Select a hiring manager to view the bar graph by hiring manager for the cost.
For recruiters, this report displays the same information by recruiter, cost name, and hiring manager. Select a recruiter to view the bar graph by recruiter. Select a cost name to view the bar graph by cost name for the recruiter. Select a hiring manager to view the bar graph by hiring manager for the recruiter.
to select another dimension. For example, to view the information by location rather than by hiring manager. For recruiters, Recruiter is always the top dimension.Offer Details
Recruiters can access this report in
.This report lists job applications with various offer costs for each application. Additional offer cost types can be added using the Modify List Definition feature. Applications where an offer was accepted are included in the list.