Scheduling processes
Many processes can be scheduled to run in the future. You are prompted for information to schedule an action.
To schedule a process to run in the future, specify this information:
- Scheduled Action Name
- Specify a name for the action. This is the name that is displayed on Tools > My Scheduled Actions.
- Email Address
- Specify the email address to be notified about the status of the run. For example, the system administrator.
- Notification Type
- Select when the notification should occur:
- Blank: Notification defaults to OnFailure if an email address is added or is the default from the Actor. Otherwise, it never notifies. See Never.
- Never: Disables notification.
- On Failure: Notification occurs only when the process does not run successfully.
- Always: Notification occurs for all run attempts.
- Schedule Type
- Select one of these options:
- Run Once: The process runs one time.
- By Frequency In Seconds: Typically not used at a customer site. The process runs once every specified number of seconds.
- By Date In Month: The process runs on a specific day of the month.
- By Day: The process runs every day on a specific day of the week.
- By Week Number: The process runs based on the schedule information. For example, the process runs every week, only on a specific week, or every year in a specific week.
- First Time to Run
- Specify the date, day, week, etc., for the initial run.
- Latest Time to Run
- Specify the date, day, week, etc., for the latest time to run.
- Run Action Concurrently
- Override Action Failure Configuration
- Select this option to configure a unique method for handling a failure. When you click Next on the Schedule window, a list of options for configuring failures is displayed.
- Click Finish.