Scheduling processes

Many processes can be scheduled to run in the future. You are prompted for information to schedule an action.

  1. To schedule a process to run in the future, specify this information:
    Scheduled Action Name
    Specify a name for the action. This is the name that is displayed on Tools > My Scheduled Actions.
    Email Address
    Specify the email address to be notified about the status of the run. For example, the system administrator.
    Notification Type
    Select when the notification should occur:
    • Blank: Notification defaults to OnFailure if an email address is added or is the default from the Actor. Otherwise, it never notifies. See Never.
    • Never: Disables notification.
    • On Failure: Notification occurs only when the process does not run successfully.
    • Always: Notification occurs for all run attempts.
    Schedule Type
    Select one of these options:
    • Run Once: The process runs one time.
    • By Frequency In Seconds: Typically not used at a customer site. The process runs once every specified number of seconds.
    • By Date In Month: The process runs on a specific day of the month.
    • By Day: The process runs every day on a specific day of the week.
    • By Week Number: The process runs based on the schedule information. For example, the process runs every week, only on a specific week, or every year in a specific week.
    First Time to Run
    Specify the date, day, week, etc., for the initial run.
    Latest Time to Run
    Specify the date, day, week, etc., for the latest time to run.
    Run Action Concurrently
    Override Action Failure Configuration
    Select this option to configure a unique method for handling a failure. When you click Next on the Schedule window, a list of options for configuring failures is displayed.
  2. Click Finish.