Purging employee history

The administrator runs the purge process to delete employee history based on the parameter selections. Purging can be used to remove old data so that new history data can be used to generate reports that focuses on specific employees, relationship to the organization, relationship status, or work type. For example, to generate a new CSV export of employee records with a certain relationship status, the administrator purges the records containing the unwanted statuses and then runs the employee history export.

Note: To purge all history before the derived start date of the history configuration, select Administrator > Reports > Employee History > Setup > Dynamically Purge History. Click Submit or Schedule to run the purge process.
  1. Select Administrator > Reports > Employee History > Purge Employee History.
  2. Select the parameters for the history records to be purged:
    Purges history report for employee selected. Leave blank to purge history for all employees.
    Relationship To Organization
    Purges history report data for employees with the selected relationship to the organization.
    Relationship Status
    Purges history report data for employees with the selected relationship status.
    Work Type
    Purges history report data for employees with the selected work type.
  3. Click Submit or Schedule to run the purge process.