Viewing and updating competencies, skills, and grace periods

A rating scale cannot be changed after a competency or skill has been associated with a resource, job, position, or candidate. The Include Performance Indicators check box cannot be cleared if performance indicators exist.

  1. Select Qualifications > Competencies, or Qualifications > Skills, or Qualifications > Grace Periods
  2. Open a competency, skill, or grace period to update.
  3. Update any editable fields including the effective date, and click Save.
  4. To update a performance indicator, click the Performance Indicators tab. Open the performance indicator, update the description, specify an effective date, and click Save.
  5. To update a proficiency, click the Proficiencies tab or open the behavior that the proficiency is associated with on the Performance Indicators tab. Open the proficiency to update or add a proficiency statement, specify an effective date, and save the proficiency.
  6. To update an attribute, click the Attributes tab or open the behavior that is associated with the attribute on the Performance Indicators tab. Open the attribute, update any editable fields including the effective date, and save the attribute.
  7. To delete an attribute, click the Attributes tab for the competency or skill or for the competency or skill performance indicator. Highlight or open the attribute to delete, click Delete, and click OK to confirm. Specify an effective date when prompted.
  8. To view where the competency or skill is used, click the Used By tab.