Equivalency groups

Administrators and HR Generalists use equivalency groups to define equivalent qualifications for each job and position.

An equivalent qualification is an acceptable substitute for a specified qualification. For example, a position that requires two years of post-secondary education is equivalent to two years of relevant experience. The number of years of relevant experience is enabled as an equivalent qualification for candidates who do not have two years of post-secondary education. Candidates who do not have two years of post-secondary education meet the requirement if they have two years of relevant work experience.

Equivalency groups are created in several steps. First, you must create the group and specify its basic settings. Then, you must configure the group and specify its detailed settings. After the group is created and configured, you can add equivalent qualifications to the equivalency group. Then, add the equivalency group to a position and a job.

You can include a combination of one or more qualification types, such as skills, competencies, or education. An equivalency group can have a specific number of possible equivalent qualifications and a minimum number of equivalent qualifications that a candidate must meet.

For example, an equivalency group created for the position IT Lead is specified with four equivalent qualifications: one credential, two skills, and education units. You can configure the group so the candidate must meet at least two of the available equivalent qualifications.