Active and inactive statuses
Many objects in Infor HR Talent have a status that indicates whether it is active or inactive. Objects that are defined in the system initially have a status of active.
Typically, when an object such as an organization unit or job, is no longer in use, you inactivate it. This removes it from selection lists for current actions, but it remains in the system for historical data and corrections. The inactivated object is still valid for the objects that were associated with it at the time that it was inactivated. For example, if an existing work assignment is associated with an organization unit that is being inactivated, the organization unit remains valid for the work assignment until you change it. No new work assignment can use this organization unit.
In other words, if you do not want the inactivated object to be included in historical data, you must manually implement a process to remove it. It is not removed automatically.
Normally, you inactivate an object instead of deleting it. When an object is inactivated, history is maintained. You do not run the risk of removing the object from an existing object that still depends on it. If an object has never been used you can delete it. For example, if a job is created in error and no positions have been created from it, you can delete the job.
Another example of using the inactive status is when reorganizing an organization. If a organization unit is disbanded and no longer valid in the new organization structure, the status of that organization is set to inactive.
Deleting data
Deleting data is prevented if the object is attached to another object. There are also business cases where data must not be deleted, even though it is not attached to other objects. For example, if there have been updates to a work assignment, it must not be deleted. Although the work assignment is not attached to another object, it is required in turnover reporting. If a work assignment is no longer required, it must be inactivated. Resources and work assignments can be deleted only in extremely rare circumstances. They must not have any related records in other business classes, including dependents, addresses, identification numbers, etc. If a resource has any records in Absence, Benefits, Compensation, Health & Safety, Performance, Recruiting, or any other modules, it cannot be deleted. Similarly, if there are any transactions associated with the resource, it must not be deleted.