Exporting time records for Middle East gratuity

  • Cross Reference Codes must be defined for mappings (Process Server Administrator > Configuration > Cross Reference)
  • These configuration properties must be defined (Process Server Administrator > configuration > System Configuration > main):
    • LTM_TimeRecordExport_SourceDirectory: Set up the directory on the local file system
    • LTM_TimeRecordExport_SourceFileName: File name for the CSV file
    • LTM_TimeRecordExport_TargetDirectory: Server for FTP
    • LTM_TimeRecordExport_TargetFileName: Server for FTP file name that is used for the created data
    • LTM_TimeRecordExport_UseFTP: Set to TRUE if using FTP otherwise, FALSE
  1. Select Time Administrator > Interface > Export Records > Time Record Interface.
  2. In the Select Statuses To Include section, select the Draft check box.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select Time Record > Export Records > Time Records and verify that the record is moved to Ready For Interface.
  5. Select Process Server Administrator > Scheduling > By Service Definition.
  6. Select the TimeRecordExport service trigger. If it is not on the list, create it.
  7. Click Actions > Start.
  8. Select Process Server Administrator > Administration > Work Units > Work Units, and verify that the status for the appropriate TimeRecordExport work unit is Completed.
    The record is successfully interfaced to HRM.