Creating benefit plans for gratuity fund

Use this procedure to create a benefit plan for gratuity for an organization whose default country is India. Creating the GRATUITY deduction code is a prerequisite for defining the gratuity fund benefit plan.

  1. Select Benefits > Plans > Benefit Plans.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify Defined Contribution
    Benefit Plan
    Specify the name of the benefit plan, for example: GRATUITY FUND.
    Coverage Type
    Select No Coverage.
    Contribution Type
    Select Flat Contributions.
  4. On the Eligible tab, specify this information:
    Select the check box.
    Benefit Group
    Select the benefit group for the gratuity benefit plan.
  5. On the Exports tab, select Resource Benefits Export.
    Note: This enables the system to create a corresponding employee deduction export record to be used for interfacing to HRM.
  6. Click Save.
  7. On the Deduction tab, specify this information:.
    Frequency Table
    Select the frequency table.
    Select the deduction code for superannuation.
  8. On the Entry Rules tab, click Create to create an entry rule to specify when an employee can be enrolled in the benefit plan and when enrollment can be changed.
  9. On the Termination Rules tab, click Create to create an termination rule to specify when to stop a benefit when an employee is no longer eligible.
  10. On the Contributions tab, the information is displayed from the Contribution Type on the Main tab.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Configure the Resource Benefits Export by following the instructions in the Infor HR Talent Integrations Documentation Library for Benefits Interfaces.