Assigning competencies and skills to a job

Competencies and skills are important to Talent Acquisition. When you assign competencies and skills to a job, they are displayed on the job requisition when a job opening exists for a position attached to the job. Recruiters and hiring managers compare the job's competencies and skills requirements with candidates competencies and skills to match candidates to the job.


You can also copy competencies and skills from an existing job.


You can assign multiple competencies and skills at a time if you have a competency model that fits the job. You can also add skills and competencies individually.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Jobs And Positions > Jobs.
  2. Open the job.
  3. Optionally, attach a competency model:
    1. On the Qualifications tab, click Create in the Competency Models section.
    2. Select an effective date and select the competency model.
    3. To make the competencies in this competency model available to performance appraisals as an appraisal criterion for the job, select the Appraisal Criteria check box. A rating scale is required on the competencies if this check box is selected.
    4. Click Save.
  4. Optionally, assign equivalency groups.
    1. On the Qualifications tab, click Create in the Equivalency Groups section, and specify this information:
      Effective Date
      Specify the effective date.
      Equivalency Group
      Select the equivalency group.
      Select this check box to make the equivalency group assignment active.
  5. In the Competencies section, view the competencies added by the model. To modify a competency, open the competency, modify as needed, and click Save. You cannot delete a competency added by a competency model.

    Competencies assigned through a model are dynamic. If a competency is removed from the model, it is also removed from the job. If a new competency is added to a model, it is added to the job also.

    • To make a competency available to performance appraisals as an appraisal criterion for the job, select Yes under Appraisal Criteria. If this check box is selected, a rating scale is required on the competency.

    • To make the competency essential to the job, select Yes under Essential.

    • To add an essential rating level and a desired rating level, to change the active status, or to add equivalent experience that can be substituted for the competency, specify or select the appropriate information, and click Save.

  6. To add a new competency, click the Create button in the Competencies section, select the competency in the competency field, specify the appropriate information, and click Save.
    • To make a competency available to performance appraisals as an appraisal criterion for the job, select Yes under Appraisal Criteria. If this check box is selected, a rating scale is required on the competency.

    • To make the competency essential to the job, select Yes under Essential.

    • To add an essential rating level or a desired rating level, to change the active status, or to add equivalent experience that can be substituted for the competency, and specify the appropriate information.

    • To add the minimum number of required qualifications, specify the Minimum Equivalency value, and click Save. Optionally, to add equivalent qualifications, click Create Equivalent Qualification, then specify the effective date, select the qualification type and the qualification, specify the relation, and click Save.

    You cannot add a competency that duplicates a competency in the competency model or models that you have selected for the job.

  7. Under the Skills heading, view the skills added by the model. To modify a skill, open the skill, modify as needed, and click Save. You cannot delete a skill added by a competency model.

    Skills that are assigned through a model are dynamic. If a skill is removed from the model, it is also removed from the job. If a new skill is added to a model, it is added to the job also.

    • To make a skill available to performance appraisals as an appraisal criterion for the job, select Yes under Appraisal Criteria. If this check box is selected, a rating scale is required on the competency.

    • To make the skill essential to the job, select Yes under Essential.

    • To add an essential rating level and a desired rating level, to change the active status, or to add equivalent experience that can be substituted for the skill, specify the appropriate information, and click Save.

  8. To add a new skill, click the Create button next to the Skills heading, select the skill in the skill field, specify the appropriate information, and click Save.
    • To make the skill available for appraisals, select the Appraisal Criteria check box.

    • To make the skill essential to the job, select the Essential check box, and click Save.

    • To add an essential rating level or a desired rating level, to change the active status, or to add equivalent experience that can be substituted for the skill, specify the appropriate information and click Save.


    You cannot add a skill that duplicates a skill in the competency model or models you have selected for the job.

  9. To add a new experience, click Create in the Experience section and specify this information:
    Select the experience.
    Years of Experience
    Specify the required number of years of experience.
    Select this check box to make the experience assignment active.
    Minimum Equivalency
    Minimum value defines the minimum number of required qualifications.
    Adding standardized experience codes can be used in determining job and position qualification requirements and which employees have the required experience.