Creating a coaching
Use this procedure to create a coaching for an employee. A coaching is a tool to document a meeting between a manager and an employee. For example, performance problems, development problems, behavior issues, or discussions.
Select Manager > My Staff > My Staff. Open a resource and select the Employee Relations tab. Locate the Coaching section.
If you signed in as an Administrator, select Administrator > Employee Relations > Coaching.
If you signed in as an HR Generalist, select Generalist > Employee Relations > Coaching.
- Click Create.
Specify this information:
- Employee
- This field is displayed only if you signed in as an Administrator or HR Generalist. Select the record for the employee for whom you are issuing this coaching.
- Group
- Select the group that is related to the employee.
An organization may have different rules for different areas or groups of people. For example, the East Coast location may have different policies than the West Coast. Groups are set up by an Administrator or HR Generalist on the Group screen for Employee Relations.
- Type
- Select the type of behavior for which you are creating the coaching. A type is a generic term to identify the basic issue or policy that is involved for the coaching.
- Meeting
- Select the date and time of the meeting for this
This action does not send the calendar invite to the identified participants. Click the Create Meeting action to create the meeting.
- Follow Up
- If there is an additional follow-up meeting scheduled, select the date.
- Behavior
- Describe the behavior that is the topic of the meeting.
- Desired Behavior
- Describe the ideal behavior of the employee.
Optionally, if you signed in as an Administrator or HR Generalist, in the Reporting
section, specify this information:
- Work Assignment
- Select the work assignment for the employee. This field defaults to the primary work assignment that is assigned to the employee.
- Manager
- Select the manager of the employee.
- HR Contact
- Select the HR representative for the employee.
Optionally, in the Note section, specify this information:
- Date
- Specify the date for this note.
- Time
- Specify the time for this note.
- Note
- Add the text of the note.
- Type
- Select the type of incident for this note. For example, select Attendance if the employee was unexpectedly absent.
- Public
- If you select this check box, the note is available to others such as managers, administrators, or HR generalists. Private notes are only available to the person who created the note.
- Source
- Select the source for the note. For example, if a manager
personally observed the incident, select Manager Observation.
Sources are set up by an Administrator by selecting Administrator > Employee Relations > Setup > Sources.
- File Name
- Attach documents.
- Specify the URL for information that is related to the note.
When you save a note, it is available on the Notes tile. You can also attach an existing note to the coaching later. - Click Save.
On the Resources tile, identify additional resources and non-employees that are
related to this coaching. For example, a union representative.
Click Create to add a resource who is also an employee, or click Create Non Employee to add a resource who is not an employee. You must select a role for the resource, and can specify contact information for non-employees and comments. If the resource is an employee, their email address and telephone number is completed when the record is saved.
- On the Documentation tile, create a new document that contains information about the coaching. A document can contain comments, have a file attached, or have an associated URL. Documents that are created from the Create Document action are also listed. Documents that are created from this action are merged with the coaching data.
On the Notes
tile, create or associate notes to the coaching. You can associate an existing note using
the Associate action or create a note on this
tile for the coaching. If you added information for a note when you created the coaching,
the notes are listed here.
If a note was associated in error, it can be disassociated from the coaching using the Disassociate action. The note still exists for the resource but is not associated with the coaching.
- On the Corrective Action tile, an HR Generalist or Administrator can create a new corrective action from the coaching.
- On the Grievance tile, an HR Generalist or Administrator can create a new grievance from the coaching.
On the Correspondence tile, create email messages about the coaching.
- Click Create to select an email template as the starting point for the email.
- Click Next to view the email and update.
- Click Send to send the email.