Defining email templates

Use this procedure to create email templates that can be used on coaching, corrective action, or grievance records.

  1. Select Employee Relations > Set Up > Email Templates.
  2. Select the tab for the type of email template you are creating: Coaching, Corrective Action, or Grievance.
  3. Click New.
  4. On the Email Template form, specify this information.
    Email Template
    Specify a template name. The name should be meaningful so that the purpose of the template can be recognized when you are selecting the template.
    Specify a description for the email template.
    Preferred Email Language
    Select the role locale for the preferred language for this template.
    Select the variables or roles that represent the email addresses of the person or persons to whom the email is sent.

    To include a variable, select the three vertical dots next to the field, click Variables, and select a variable. The variable is shown within curly braces. For example, {HiringManager}. Separate multiple variables with commas.

    To include a role, select a role from the Role list. These roles are defined in the setup for your organization.

    Note: In any email address field, you can also specify an email address. Separate multiple email addresses or email variables with commas.
    CC, BCC
    Select the variable or role representing the email addresses of the person or persons to whom the email is copied. For example, {Manager}. Separate multiple email addresses or email variables with commas.
    Select the variable that represents the email address of the person sending the email. For example, {Manager}.
    Specify the subject of the email. Use a variable for any text you want substituted.
    Note: To use a variable, specify crtl-right-click in the field, click Variables to show the available variables. The variable that you select is shown in curly braces. For example, {HiringManager}. Use commas to separate multiple variables.

    For example:

    {ResourcePreferredFullName} - Coaching request
    Specify the text of the email. Use variable text for any text you want substituted. For example:
    From: {Organization} 
    {ResourceID} - {PositionTitle} 
    To whom it may concern, 
    A coaching session has been requested with {ResourcePreferredFullName}. 

    This field is an RTF text field, which can be formatted.

    Note: An administrator can establish settings that cause employee relations emails to be formatted with your organization's email header and footer. If a header and footer have been configured for the organization, the administrator can select the Use Corporate Header and Footer check box on the organization's detail page within Set Up > Email > Email Automation. If the check box is enabled, employee relations emails are automatically formatted with your organization's email header and footer.
  5. Click Save.