Employee Relations standard reports and lists

Employee relations information for reporting is located throughout the navigation menus. In addition, you can create a report from any list.

This table contains the standard reports and lists for employee relations. To find these items, navigate to the report using the menu or search for the report using the report name. If another name is specified in the Role and navigation column, then search for the menu name.

  • Trend reports are used to monitor the number of coaching, corrective actions, or grievances over calendar periods. The default dimensions are Category and Type, but others can be added.
  • Turn time average reports show the average number of days for a corrective action or grievance to process. The default dimensions are Category and Type, but others can be added.
Note: Real-time data is not displayed in the trends and turn time averages reports. If data changes, then the reports must be refreshed on demand or by scheduling the report to run later.
Report name Description Role and navigation
Coaching View a list of coaching records for employees. Administrator and Generalist: Employee Relations > Coaching
Coaching Trends View a trend report of the number of coachings by month or quarter. Administrator and Generalist: Employee Relations > Reports > Trends > Coaching
Corrective Actions View a list of corrective actions. Administrator and Generalist: Employee Relations > Corrective Actions
Corrective Action Trends View a trend report of the number of employee corrective actions by month or quarter. Administrator and Generalist: Employee Relations > Reports > Trends > Corrective Actions
Corrective Action Turn Time Average View the turn time average report for employee corrective actions by month. Administrator and Generalist: Employee Relations > Reports > Turn Time Average > Corrective Actions
Correspondence View and track correspondence for coaching, corrective actions, or grievances. Administrator and Generalist: Employee Relations > Correspondence > Correspondence
Grievances View a list of employee grievances. Click Resources to view a list of resources that are involved in grievances. Administrator and Generalist: Employee Relations > Grievances
Grievance Cost By Type View a report of the costs associated with a grievance, including subtotals and average costs, broken down by cost type. Administrator and Generalist: Employee Relations > Reports > Grievance Costs
Grievance Trends View a trend report of the number of employee grievances by month or quarter. Administrator and Generalist: Employee Relations > Reports > Trends > Grievance
Grievance Turn Time Average View the turn time average report for employee grievance events by month. Administrator and Generalist: Employee Relations > Reports > Turn Time Average > Grievance
Notes View notes for a resource or update notes that you have created. Administrator and Generalist: Employee Relations > Notes
Totals by Resource Click Corrective Actions, Grievance, or Coaching to view the totals by resource report for each category. Administrator and Generalist: Employee Relations > Reports > Totals By Resource