Copying resource goals
Perform this task to copy another employee's goal, if that
goal was flagged as public.
- Sign in as Employee.
- Select Manage Goals.
- Click Copy Goals.
On the Other Resource
Goals tab, specify search criteria to locate the resource goals to copy, and
click Search.
Specify these criteria to search:
- Year
- Limit your search criteria to a year.
- Goal Category
- Goal Type
- Limit your search criteria to a goal type.Limit your search criteria to a goal category.
- Keyword
- Specify a string that you know is contained within the goal information.
- Click Search.
- Select one or more goal to copy.
- Click Copy To My Goals.
On the Organizational
Goal Templates tab, specify search criteria to locate the resource goals to
copy and click Search.
Specify these criteria to search:
- Year
- Limit your search criteria to a year.
- Category
- Limit your search criteria to a goal category.
- Type
- Limit your search criteria to a goal type.
- My Organization Units
- Select YesLimit your search criteria to a goal or No to indicate whether search results should include org units that match yours.
- Other Organization Units
- Select Yes or No to indicate whether search results should include org units that do not match yours.
- Keyboard
- Specify a string that you know is contained within the goal information.
- Click Search.
- Select one or more goal to copy.
- Click Copy To My Goals.
- Select Manage Goals to verify that the goal or goals have been copied. They are displayed on your Pending tab in Draft status.
Open a copied goal to make changes. You can change any field except the
goal type.
These fields are among those that are not copied from the source goal: Status, Approval Status, Entered By, aligned goals, and comments.