Copying resource goals

Perform this task to copy another employee's goal, if that goal was flagged as public.
  1. Sign in as Employee.
  2. Select Manage Goals.
  3. Click Copy Goals.
  4. On the Other Resource Goals tab, specify search criteria to locate the resource goals to copy, and click Search.

    Specify these criteria to search:

    Limit your search criteria to a year.
    Goal Category
    Goal Type
    Limit your search criteria to a goal type.Limit your search criteria to a goal category.
    Specify a string that you know is contained within the goal information.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Select one or more goal to copy.
  7. Click Copy To My Goals.
  8. On the Organizational Goal Templates tab, specify search criteria to locate the resource goals to copy and click Search.

    Specify these criteria to search:

    Limit your search criteria to a year.
    Limit your search criteria to a goal category.
    Limit your search criteria to a goal type.
    My Organization Units
    Select YesLimit your search criteria to a goal or No to indicate whether search results should include org units that match yours.
    Other Organization Units
    Select Yes or No to indicate whether search results should include org units that do not match yours.
    Specify a string that you know is contained within the goal information.
  9. Click Search.
  10. Select one or more goal to copy.
  11. Click Copy To My Goals.
  12. Select Manage Goals to verify that the goal or goals have been copied. They are displayed on your Pending tab in Draft status.
  13. Open a copied goal to make changes. You can change any field except the goal type.
    These fields are among those that are not copied from the source goal: Status, Approval Status, Entered By, aligned goals, and comments.