Talent profile
Your talent profile contains your competencies, skills, credentials, education, employment history, and achievements, which are generally referred to as qualifications. You can add or update a qualification. Your manager must validate achievements that require validation.
Qualifications can be added to your profile in these ways:
- When you were hired, your talent profile as a candidate was copied to your employee talent profile. Copying occurs if your application was processed through the Talent Acquisition module.
- You can add a non-validated qualification.
- Your manager or an administrator can add a qualification to your profile and can validate your qualifications.
- When you complete an activity that has a skill, competency, or credential as the outcome, the applicable qualification is added to your record. The qualification might require additional validation.
- Your organization may use checklists that include one or more skills or competencies as checklist components. The competency and skills included in your checklist must be validated by your manager, your mentor, or a peer. After they are validated, they are displayed in your talent profile.
After a qualification is validated, you cannot change it. You can request these changes:
- Update your skill or competency proficiency level
- Renew a skill or a credential
- Complete an education record that is currently in progress