Self-reporting qualifications by qualification
- Sign in as Employee.
Select To Do > Self-Report Qualifications > By Qualification.
The Self Report Qualifications page is displayed.
On the Unvalidated tab, open a row on the Competencies, Skills, Credentials, Education, or Achievements pane.
Optionally, change the information about the selected qualification.
To add a new qualification, click Create for Competencies, Skills, Credentials, Education, or Achievements.
Complete the fields on the detail page, then click Save. If configured, your entry is submitted for validation by your manager or another eligible employee.
- On the Validated tab, view your qualifications that your manager or another employee has validated.
Optionally, click Request To Renew,
complete the fields, and click Submit.
If configured, your entry is submitted for validation by your manager or another eligible employee.
Optionally, click Request To Update
Proficiency complete the fields, and click Submit.
If configured, your entry is submitted for validation by your manager or another eligible employee.
See Requesting to update competency or skill proficiency levels.