
Employees use the Growth page to view important information that is related to their learning and development activity. Employees can use the Summary dashboard view to see summaries of their activity and then drill down or use the tabs on the page to access detailed information. Employees can initiate a variety of actions from the page, such as enroll in activities, make progress on development plans, and view fit analyses for specific positions.

These tabs are included in the Growth page:

Tab Description
Summary A graphical overview of status progression of activities, development plans, certifications, and evaluations.
Calendar An employee's sessions by date.
To Do Learning and Development tasks that have due dates.
Activities Assigned, available for enrollment, and historical activities.
Development Plans Assigned, available for enrollment, and historical development plans.
Certifications Assigned, available for enrollment, and historical certifications.
Evaluations Active and completed evaluations for activities and instructors.
Continuing Education Credits Continuing education credits that are added by you, your manager, or a learning manager.
Checklists Awaiting signature, active, and historical checklists.
Fit Analysis Evaluation of your fit for certain positions.
Goals Pending, active, and historical goals.
Social Groups Social groups to which the employee belongs.
Manage Social Groups Social groups of which the user is a leader.