Adding beneficiaries to your profile
Some fields are available only when
they are configured by your organization.
- Sign in as Employee.
- Select My Profile > Personal Information.
On the Dependents And
Beneficiaries pane, click Add.
The Add Beneficiary page is displayed.
Specify the beneficiary's information:
- Add a Will or Trust as Beneficiary
- Optionally, select this check box to add a beneficiary that is not a natural person. If you select this, then the page changes to display an Entity field and a subset of fields.
- Entity
- If you selected the Add a Will or Trust as Beneficiary check box. then complete this field with the legal name of the document.
- Name
- Complete Given Name (First), Middle Name, and Last Name fields for the beneficiary using the name on most legal documents.
- Additional Naming Options
- Optionally, select this check box to provide information that further
identifies the beneficiary:
- Title - for example, Dr. or Sr.
- Preferred Given Name - a nickname or alias
- Preferred Last Name - a birth name or alias
- Suffix - for example, Jr. or III
- Professional Designation - for example, M.D. or Ph.D.
- Identification Number
- Complete the New Identification Number and Country fields with information obtained from the beneficiary's government-issued identification document. For example, this could be a Social Security Number in the US.
- Additional
- Optionally, select a predefined value in the Relationship field, such as Parent or Spouse. Optionally, complete Birthdate using the calendar control and select a predefined value for Gender.
- Home Phone
- Work Phone
- Address
- Optionally, complete the Email Address field. If the beneficiary shares an
address with you, then select Same as
Resource Mailing Address or Same as Resource Home Address. Otherwise, select
Other Address.
If you selected Other Address, select a predefined value for the Country field, then complete the Street Address and State/Province fields. Complete the Post Code, Region, and County/District fields, if available.
Click Submit.
The beneficiary is displayed on the Personal Information page.