Updating work preferences
- Sign in as Employee.
Select My Profile > Work Preferences.
The page that is displayed shows your current preferences in descending order.
- Click the Create button for the Locations pane.
On the Preferred Location page,
click the icon in the Location
field and select from the list of work locations that your employer has configured.
You can rank your preference for this location and provide a comment about it. Click Save, or click Save and New to add more locations. Select the browser's Back button to return to the Work Preferences tab.
Optionally, view other preferred locations by clicking the navigation arrows. You can edit this location selection later by opening its row in the Locations pane.
- Click the Create button for the Schedules pane.
On the Preferred Schedule page,
click the icon in the Schedule
field and select from the list of work schedules that your employer has configured.
You can rank your preference for this schedule and provide a comment about it. Click Save, or click Save and New to add more schedules. Select the browser's Back button to return to the Work Preferences tab.
Optionally, view other preferred schedules by clicking the navigation arrows. You can edit this location selection later by opening its row in the Schedules pane.
- Click the Create button for the Categories pane.
On the Preferred Category page,
click the icon in the Category
You can rank your preference for this category and provide a comment about it. Click Save, or click Save and New to add more categories. Select the browser's Back button to return to the Work Preferences tab.
Optionally, view other preferred categories by clicking the navigation arrows. You can edit this location selection later by opening its row in the Categories pane.
- Select from the list of work categories and subcategories.