Providing external results
Employees can provide external results only on the resource goals where they are designated as the Entered By resource. They can view results for all of their resource goals.
- Select Manage Goals.
Click Results.
Resource Goal Results shows all of the resource's active goals that require external results. The list might include goals for which the resource is not the designated Entered By resource for the goal.
The list omits resource goals that have no specified Entered By resource. The list omits a goal if the aligned organizational goal will contain the external results.
Open the goal specify results directly into the enabled months fields.
The Result Ranges column shows the number ranges that you can provide.
Click Save.
Results include this information:
- Weight
The goal weight. For example: 25%
- The calculation method and current results of that calculation
For example, Average: 10.5, which represents the average of the numbers provided so far.
- The rating level for the range that the results fall in
For example, 10.5 may be falling within level 5 (10 to 14.99).
- The current score
This is the rating * the weight. In the above example, 5 * 25/100 = 1.25
When all the results are provided for the year, click Complete Goal.
After a goal is completed, you can no longer add results.