Working with Rave awards

Create a Rave award to recognize a coworker for excellence. Raves are available if your organization has enabled this feature.
  1. Sign in as Employee.
  2. Select Rave, if available on your menu. Rave awards are also accessible on the My Engagement dashboard, if available. On the Drafts tab, click the New Rave button.


    Select Home > Engagement, if available on your Home page. Click the Rave icon (+) on the Raves Submitted or Draft Raves pane.

  3. Complete these fields:
    Name search
    Specify the first or last name of the employee and click the Search icon. Select the employee’s name from the list. You can specify up to 15 names on the same nomination.
    Recognition Category or Select a category
    Select the option that best describes the kind of accomplishment that this employee performed.
    Specify the reason for the nomination.
    Optionally, add a file that demonstrates the employee's achievement.
    Add Cc Names or Is there anyone else who should be notified
    Specify the first or last name of the additional person and click the Search icon. This person can be the employee's manager or team lead, for example.
    Save As Draft
    Select this if you are not ready to submit the nomination.
  4. Click Submit.
    If you selected Save As Draft, the Rave award is on your list of drafts.