Approval and goal status
A goal can be of a type that had the Approve Goals By Year flag assigned to it by an administrator. If this flag is applied, all goals with the same goal year must be submitted and approved together. Goals of this type are linked together. If one requires editing after they are in Active status, the administrator must revert all goals to Draft status so that edits can be made.
Goals that are not approved by year can be initiated by either you or your manager. If you request a goal, it must first be approved by your manager. If your manager approves your goals, they move from the Pending tab and are displayed on the Active tab. If your manager rejects a goal, it is displayed in Draft status on your Pending tab with a yellow alert denoting that it has been rejected. You can modify it and resubmit it, or you can delete it.
When your manager suggests a goal, the goal is displayed on your pending goals list with a status of Needs Acceptance. You can accept or return the goal. You cannot make any changes to goals submitted by your manager. You can only add comments when you accept or return the goal. You can add action plans, if applicable.
If you return the goal, the goal is displayed on your manager's pending goals list in Draft status. Your manager can modify and resubmit the goal, or delete the goal. When you accept the goal, the goal becomes Active.
These panes are available in the module:
- Pending - displays suggested or requested goals that are awaiting approval by you or your manager. The Pending tab is displayed only if you have pending goals. Pending goals have a status of Draft, Needs Acceptance, or Submitted For Acceptance.
- Active - displays goals that have been approved and set to active by your manager
- Inactive - displays goals that were canceled or that expired
- Historical - displays goals that were completed. Or, goals that were included in a year plan for a year in the past