Copying organizational goals
- Sign in as Employee.
- Click Manage Goals.
- Click Copy Goals.
- Click the Organizational Goal Templates tab.
Specify search criteria:
- Year
- Limit your search criteria to a year.
- Goal Category
Limit your search criteria to a goal category.
- Goal Type
Limit your search criteria to a goal type.
- My Organization Units
Select Yes to display only organizational goals that have been defined for your organization units. Your organization units are those that you are associated with through your work assignments.
- Other Organization Units
Select Yes to display only organizational goals for organization units other than yours.
Note: If you leave both My Organization Units and Other Organization Units blank, then organization goals for all organization units are displayed. - Keyword
- Specify a string that you know is contained within the goal information.
Click Search.
The search results show all the active, finalized organizational goals that are defined as goal templates.
Select the goals to copy and click Copy To My Goals.
Copied goals are displayed on your Pending tab in a draft status.These fields are among those that are not copied from the source goal: Status, Approval Status, and Entered By. The Entered On This Goal field is selected on the new goal if the source goal is set up to use external results.