Sending an email for a transition task

Employees can send emails to automatically notify other affected employees of assigned, unassigned, or completed transition tasks.

  1. Sign in as employee.
  2. Select My Activities > Transition Management.
  3. Click the Email icon for a task on Assigned Tasks, Unassigned Tasks, Completed Tasks, or All Tasks.
  4. On the Send Email page, specify this information:
    Email Template
    Select a predefined email template that is configured by your organization.

    After an email template is selected, other fields are specified automatically.

    Optionally, select a transition task type which is the description and purpose for sending the email.
    Specify the email address of the email recipient.
    Specify the email address of the sender.
    CC, BCC
    Optionally, specify the email address to receive a copy or blind copy of the email.

    These fields are configured by your organization based on the template or task type.

    Optionally, specify the email's short description.
    Specify the message of the email notification.
    Optionally, attach a document that is related to the email notification.
  5. To save the email template, click Save.
  6. To send the email notification, click Send.