Updating basic profile information
Some fields are available only when
they are configured by your organization.
- Sign in as Employee.
Select My Profile or Home > Edit Profile.
The Profile page is displayed.
On the At A Glance tab, within
the Personal Information pane,
optionally specify or update this information:
- Gender
- Select the response that best describes you.
- Ethnicity
- Select the response that best describes you. Optionally, click Ethnicity Details to display a page where you can provide additional information.
- Religion
- Select the response that best describes you.
- Marital Status
- Select the response that best describes you.
- Nationality
- Select the correct response.
- Nationality Country
- Select the correct response.
- Aboriginal
- Select the response that best describes you.
- Visible Minorities
- Select the response that best describes you.
- Citizenship Country
- Select only one response.
- Disability
- Select the response that best describes you.
- Disability Type
- Select the response that best describes you.
- Military Reserve
- Select the correct response.
- Discharge Date
- Specify the date you separated from the military, if applicable.
- Military Status
- Select the correct response.
Within the Work
Preferences pane, optionally specify or update information, including these
fields, which are not required:
- Travel, Percent
Specify whether you are willing to travel. If you select Yes, then the Travel field is displayed. Specify the percentage of time that you are willing to travel in the Percent field.
- Relocate
Specify whether you are willing to relocate.
- International Assignment
Select whether you would accept an international assignment.
- Point Of Origin
If this is relevant to your position, select the location from which you would travel for the organization.
- Optionally, within the Preferred Positions pane, complete the Position 1, Position 2, Position 3 fields by selecting up to three preferred positions, in the order of preference.
- Optionally, complete the Other Preferences field with additional information for recruiters.
- Click Save.