Creating email automation rules for a specific employment contract

  1. Select HR Administration > Contracts > Employment Contracts.


    Select Employment Contract Administrator > Employment Contracts.

  2. Select and open an employment contract record that is in Draft or In Negotiation status.
  3. In the Email Automation tab, specify this information:
    Employee Contract Status Email Rule
    Select whether to send automatic emails or no emails for each contract status listed. Emails are sent when an employee contract within the HR organization is moved to a status that has automatic emails enabled. The rules specified in these fields override the default automation rules that are set up for the organization.
    Email Template
    If you chose to send automatic emails for a status, select an email template to use when sending automatic emails for that status. Only active email templates can be selected.
    Email Attachment
    Optionally, upload a file to attach to the automatic emails for a specific status.
  4. Click Save.