Modifying an employee contract using an addendum

  1. Select HR Administration > Contracts > Employment Contracts.


    Select Employment Contract Administrator > Employment Contracts.

  2. Select and open an employment contract that is in Approved status.
  3. On the Employee Contracts tab, select and open an employee contract.
  4. In the More Actions menu, select Modify Contract.
  5. Select Addendum in the Modification Type field, then click Submit.
  6. These fields can be added:
    Contracted Time
    Optionally, specify the contracted time for the employee contract.
    Optionally, specify a template. See Attaching templates to employment contracts.
    Optionally, specify a section to add to the employee contract. The employee contract must have a template to add a section to. See Creating an employment contract section.
  7. Click Save.
  8. In the More Actions menu, select Submit Contract Modifications.
  9. Specify this information:
    Status of Employee Contracts Upon Submission
    Select the status to move the employee contract to after the addendum is submitted.
    If you selected Accepted in the Status of Employee Contracts Upon Submission field, then you must select a signature option. Select Automatic to use the text "System Generated" as the signature. Select Signature to specify text to use as the signature. The signature is displayed in the Acknowledgement field on the employee contract.
    Date Signed
    If you selected Accepted in the Status of Employee Contracts Upon Submission field, then you must verify or specify the date that the contract was signed on. If you do not change the date in this field, the current date is used as the date signed. The signature is displayed in the Date Acknowledged field on the employee contract.
    Send Email Notification
    Optionally, select this check box to send an email notification. If you select this check box, then you must specify an active email template to use for the email.
  10. Click Submit.