Employment contract sections and templates
Employment contract administrators can set up sections and templates for the employment contracts that they create. Sections and templates are reusable and can be used for an unlimited number of employment contracts. The employment contract administrator can create a library of sections that can be used for multiple employment contracts.
An employment contract section explains the terms of the employment contract and is typically centered around a specific topic (such as compensation, time off, or insurance). An employment contract template is used to specify information, format, and produce the employment contract document. Typically, there are multiple sections included in an employment contract template.
Employment contract document templates are a rich text format (RTF) file that facilitates moving the employment contract sections to the employment contract document and formats the document. To use document templates, knowledge of Microsoft Word Merge fields and Lawson Pattern Language (LPL) database structure and field names is required. The employment contract document can then be provided to the negotiating party, such as the employer representative or union, for review and approval. When the employee contract is created, the sections and template are copied from the employment contract to create an employee contract. The employee contract document can then be provided to the employee to accept and acknowledge the employment contract.