Defining development activities

Note: If you are using Infor Learning Management, you will create the majority of your development activities in Infor Learning Management, and they will be automatically imported to Development Planning. You can still use Development Planning to define activities that have no sessions, such as Mentoring.
  1. Select Development Planning > Activities And Catalog > Define Activities And Sessions.
  2. On the Activities panel, select Create.
  3. On the Define Activity form, specify this information:
    Effective Date

    Specify the effective date.


    Select the Active check box to make the activity active. Inactive development activities do not appear in lists.


    Select the activity type (for example, Course).


    Select the activity category (for example, change in job responsibilities).

    Delivery Type

    Select the activity delivery type (for example, Internal).

    Delivery Method

    Select the activity delivery method (for example, Online).


    Select the activity focus (for example, Professional Development).

    E Learning URL

    If the activity is online, specify the URL of the web site where the learning is provided.

    Use Sessions For This Activity

    This check box is selected by default. Clear the check box if the activity will not have any sessions.


    (French localization only) Select this check box if resources can take this activity as DIF development hours (instead of a activity that is part of the overall organization budget plan).

    Imputable For 2483

    (French localization) Select the Imputable check box if this activity should be reported on the 2483 form.


    Select the topic of the activity.

    When you save the activity, you will be able to associate more than one topic to the activity on the Topics tab.

    Exclude from Catalog

    Select this check box if the activity will be excluded from the catalog.


    Specify the activity summary.

    Expected Result

    Specify information on the results of the activity.

    Note: If a activity will result in the acquisition of a specific competency, skill, or credential, you can specify these on the Outcomes tab of the activity, after you save this activity.
    Total Hours

    Specify the total hours for the activity. For example, if the activity is 4 days, 6 hours per day, the total hours are 24.

    (Learning budgets only) The system uses Total Hours to calculate estimated costs for a resource's activity. Specifically, the Total Hours field is used for standard costs that are based on resource rates or professional category rates).


    Specify the duration of the activity.

    Session Frequency

    Select the session frequency.

    Employment ID

    A contact employment ID is required unless there is an learning manager email defined in the organization's learning administration rules.

  4. Click Save.
  5. Specify activity relations.