Defining custom groups for Development Planning

Custom groups are also referred to as eligibility groups in Development Planning. You must have learning manager privileges to perform this task.

  1. Select Development Planning > Set Up > Custom Groups.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Custom Group

    Required. Specify the name of the custom group.


    Specify the description of the custom group. If left blank, the custom group name defaults.

    Effective Date

    Required. Specify the date on which the custom group becomes effective.

    Business Class

    Required. For budget assignment, personal development hours update, and LMS employee export eligibility groups, select Employee.

    For checklists assignment, mentor assignment, and development activity assignment eligibility groups, select WorkAssignment.


    Required. Specify or build your condition, using LPL syntax. The condition defines the selection criteria for the custom group.

    If you do not know LPL syntax, click the Builder button to open the Condition Builder tool.

    See Building conditions with the Condition Builder.

  4. Click Save.
  5. To preview the employees that will be part of the custom group, click Preview.

    The Preview button will not be enabled until a condition is specified in correct LPL syntax.

    The List Name field defaults to "primary" (the primary list for the business class).

    You can select another list that will result in the same employees selected for the custom group, but with different information related to those employees.

  6. Add a subject to the custom group. The subject determines the forms where the custom group can be selected.
    1. In the Business Class Group Subjects region, click Create.
    2. Specify this information:

      Required. For a budget eligibility group, which determines the employees for whom a budget is calculated, specify HCMGroupDevelopmentBudget.

      For a checklist assignment eligibility group, which determines which employees will be assigned to a checklist, specify HCMGroupWorkAssignmentChecklist.

      For a mentor assignment eligibility group, which determines which employees will be assigned to a mentor, specify HCMGroupWorkAssignmentMentor.

      For a mass activity assignment eligibility group, which determines which employees will be assigned to a development activity, specify HCMGroupWorkAssignmentMassAssignActivity.

      For a Balance Update eligibility group, which determines with employees will have their personal development hours updated, specify HCMGroupLearningPersonalDevelopmentHours.

      For an LMS employee export group, which determines what employees will be exported to Infor Learning Management, specify HCMGroupLMSEmployeeExport.

      Effective Date

      Required. Specify the date on which the subject assignment becomes effective.

    3. Click Save.