Defining or maintaining organization learning rules

Organization learning rules determine for an entire organization whether the organization uses learning budgets. The rules also let you define session class defaults, session registration approval settings, session waiting list defaults, the verification status of activity outcomes, and personal development hours balances maximum and alert threshold. You can change the settings at any time. You can override session class and waiting lists defaults at the session level.

  1. Select Development Planning > Set Up > Learning Configuration > Organization Learning Rules.
  2. Open the organization for which to view or maintain organization learning rules.
    Note: All organizations that you have access to automatically display on this list. Organizations are defined in Administrator > Set Up.
  3. On the Organization Learning Rule form, specify this information:
    Effective Date

    Required. Specify the date on which the rules take effect.

    Enable Learning Budgets

    Select Yes to use learning budgets for all of your resource development activities, in which case, all of your resource development activities are associated with a development period and a learning budget.

    Select No to not use learning budgets (in which case, you process development activities individually as they come in).

    Select Only For French Resources if you have a multinational organization with both French and non French resources. This option allows you to have learning budgets only for your French resources. (Development Planning uses learning budgets to satisfy French regulatory requirements.)


    Select No if you are using Infor Learning Management.


    Specify the learning manager email address. If left blank, you will be prompted for a contact every time you define a development activity.


    You can specify the default number of hours for a session class (a day in the session).

    Note: Not applicable if you are using Infor Learning Management.

    You can change this value on individual session classes.

    Time Period 1 Start, End

    You can specify a default start and end time for a class period. This can be for the entire day (for example, 09:00:00 AM to 04:00:00 PM), or for just the first period, if you track attendance for two periods (for example, 09:00:00 AM to 12:00:00 PM).

    You can change these values on individual session classes.

    Note: Not applicable if you are using Infor Learning Management.
    Time Period 2 Start, End

    If you track attendance for two periods per class (for example, morning and afternoon), you can specify a default start and end time for period 2.

    You can change these values on individual session classes.

    Note: Not applicable if you are using Infor Learning Management.
    Require Approval For Resource Initiated Session Registration

    To have managers approve registrations requested by resources, select this check box. If you leave this check box blank, registrations are approved automatically.

    Note: Not applicable if you are using Infor Learning Management.
    Red Alert For Registration Requests After nn Days

    If you selected the preceding check box, specify the number of days after which a red alert will appear if a requested registration has not been approved (or rejected).

    Note: Not applicable if you are using Infor Learning Management.
    Wait List Option

    Select the default waitlisting option for the organization. By default, this option is in effect for all sessions. The learning manager can change the option on individual sessions. These are the options:

    No Wait Lists: No wait lists are allowed for the organization.

    Automatic Wait Lists: The system controls the wait list. You must also select an option in the Automatic Processing Order field.

    Manual Lists: The learning manager controls the wait list manually.

    Note: Not applicable if you are using Infor Learning Management.
    Automatic Processing Order

    If you select the Automatic Wait Lists, you must also select one of these options:

    • Select Earliest Registration Date to fill openings in the order that the waitlisted resources registered.

    • Select Required Then Earliest Registration Date to fill openings first with resources who are required to take the activity (in the order that they registered), and then with other waitlisted resources in the order that they registered.

      Note: Not applicable if you are using Infor Learning Management.
    Create Competencies And Skills As Validated

    If you select this check box, any skills or competencies defined as the expected outcome of completing a development activity session will be added to a resource's profile as validated when the resource completes the session. The default is to add the skills or competencies as not validated.

    Note: Credentials are always added as verified.
    Maximum Balance

    If your organization is tracking personal development hours for resources, specify a maximum balance, if applicable. The system will not automatically impose a cap on the balances. Learning managers can run an action to reduce balances to the maximum.

    When any resource's balance exceeds the maximum, a red warning icon will appear next to the balance.

    Maximum Balance Threshold alert

    If you have a maximum balance for personal development hours, specify the hours balance that will trigger an alert. For example, if the maximum balance is 120 and you want the learning manager to be alerted when a balance reaches 110, specify 110 in this field.

    When any resource's balance reaches 110 or higher, a yellow warning icon will appear next to the balance.

  4. Click Save.