Updating professional categories (learning budgets only)

Note: Not applicable if you are using Infor Learning Management.

Professional categories are defined in Infor HR Talent Set Up by the HR administrator. You must be an HR administrator to define, activate, inactivate, or delete a professional category. Learning managers can only update the learning hourly rate and currency.

  1. Select Development Planning > Set Up > Costs > Professional Categories.
  2. Open the professional category to update.
  3. Specify this information:
    Effective Date

    Required. Specify the effective date.

    Learning Hourly Rate

    Specify the new learning hourly rate for this professional category.


    Select the currency in which the pay rate is expressed.

    Last Updated

    When you save the update, the Last Update field displays the effective date that the learning hourly rate was last updated.

    The system updates this field any time the learning hourly rate is updated.

  4. Click Save.